Click here to learn about our other Cycle #13 mini-grant winner, Susan Vitali.
Congratulations to Miriam on a successful grant application!
The following is her grant application:
"I began my full-time studio practice in 2013. My method of weaving an image, both time-consuming and reflective, produces the particular effect of a ghost print. It involves weaving, unweaving, and reweaving fully dye-painted cloth. There is an allowance for both full control of the threads and disorderly overlaid patterning in the way the image comes together in its final form. This causes the woven grid to shift, and the image to pixilate, while retaining familiarity.
With this grant, I would be able to more deeply examine human relationships and conversations within social issues relating to injustice, equity, poverty, and prejudice. Specifically, I want to integrate the woven imagery process I am developing with the highly technical kasuri skills I recently learned; to push the complexity of the subjects and ideas I have. This grant would give me resources to reinforce my direction and continued work with community advocacy.
I also want to continue my volunteer work in community art groups and projects connected to the Jefferson County Memorial Project and the Bib and Tucker Sew-op, which works with the YWCA and Birmingham Public Libraries. This grant would give me resources to reinforce my focused direction as an artist and continued work with community advocacy, as well as affirm that hand weaving has a place in fine art."